Legit Viagra Online? The Ugly History Of Tainted ED Drugs

Legit Viagra Online? The Ugly History Of Tainted ED Drugs

From dubious gas station supplements to exotic animal parts, the male enhancement space has long been troubled by less-than-legitimate products. Because treating male performance issues has often been a taboo subject, shady and predatory businesses have sought to take advantage of men’s reluctance to speak with medical professionals. 

In 2020 alone, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration put out no less than 57 public notifications of hidden drugs contained in performance supplements.

Even as the world has transitioned toward virtual visits, free shipping, and telemedicine, many men have still found it difficult to sort through the fake stuff and legit Viagra online. Currently, the demand for easily obtained treatments has far surpassed the capacity of the FDA for effective regulation. 

Here is a summary of the long and often ugly history of treatments for erectile dysfunction.

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